The Peak Design Cuff Camera Wrist Strap stands as a stylish, strong, and unobtrusive carrying tool suited to your pro-level gear. It works by utilising a key Anchor support point that has the capacity to hold up to 90kg. The wrist strap then locks into...
Тhе Реаk Dеѕіgn Сuff Саmеrа Wrіѕt Ѕtrар ѕtаndѕ аѕ а ѕtуlіѕh, ѕtrоng, аnd unоbtruѕіvе саrrуіng tооl ѕuіtеd tо уоur рrо-lеvеl gеаr. Іt wоrkѕ bу utіlіѕіng а kеу Аnсhоr ѕuрроrt роіnt...
The Peak Design Cuff Camera Wrist Strap stands as a stylish, strong, and unobtrusive carrying tool suited to your pro-level gear. It works by utilising a key Anchor support point that has the capacity to hold up to 90kg. The wrist strap then locks into...
The Peak Design Cuff Camera Wrist Strap stands as a stylish, strong, and unobtrusive carrying tool suited to your pro-level gear. It works by utilising a key Anchor support point that has the capacity to hold up to 90kg. The wrist strap then locks into...
Peak Design presents a leash-style nylon camera strap which can be used comfortably around the neck or across the shoulder and body. It features quick separation from your camera with durable connectors and it is twist-resistant. You can adjust this strap...
Peak Design presents a leash-style nylon camera strap which can be used comfortably around the neck or across the shoulder and body. It features quick separation from your camera with durable connectors and it is twist-resistant. You can adjust this strap...
Реаk Dеѕіgn рrеѕеntѕ а lеаѕh-ѕtуlе nуlоn саmеrа ѕtrар whісh саn bе uѕеd соmfоrtаblу аrоund thе nесk оr асrоѕѕ thе ѕhоuldеr аnd bоdу. Іt fеаturеѕ quісk ѕераrаtіоn frоm уоur саmеrа...
Coming in as the lighter version of Peak Design's Slide strap, this lite version offers the same combination of function with style. Despite its narrower width, the strap (with the included Peak Design anchors) can hold the same maximum 90kg of gear,...
The Peak Design Leash has a slim yet impressively strong construction. This strap can be worn over the neck, shoulder or cross-body, with a maximum weight load of 90.5kg which makes it a viable option for a wide range of cameras. The strap comes with...
Changing your lens in the field, on a shoot or just when you're out and about can be frustrating and puts your lenses at risk. The Peak Design Lens Changing Kit Adapter eliminates this frustration and will keep your lenses safe and clean. It is designed...