Operational Amplifiers - ST LM358D, This is the ST LM358D dual low power op amp. It is part of the LM158 series. Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks. ST LM358D Low Power Dual OP AMP SMD
Operational Amplifiers - ST LM358DT, This is the ST LM358DT dual low power op amp. It is part of the LM158 series. Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks. ST LM358DT 1.1Mhz SOIC Dual Operational Amplifier
Comparators - ST LM393M, Low power dual voltage comparator consisting of two independent low voltage comparators designed specifically to operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible....
ST STM32 Nucleo Development Boards 64-Pin Arduino Compatible - ST NUCLEO-F103RB, From the STM32F1 series, this STM Nucleo development board targets the STM32F103RB microcontroller and is a highly affordable and flexible Arduino compatible development...
ST STM32 Nucleo Development Boards 64-Pin Arduino Compatible - ST NUCLEO-F401RE, From the STM32F4 series, this STM Nucleo development board targets the STM32F401RE microcontroller and is a highly affordable and flexible Arduino compatible development...
ST STM32 Nucleo Development Boards 64-Pin Arduino Compatible - ST NUCLEO-F411RE, From the STM32F4 series, this STM Nucleo development board targets the STM32F411RE microcontroller and is a highly affordable and flexible Arduino compatible development...