This F & V Pro Wheeled Case is ideal for transporting up to 2 x F & V K8000/Z800 LED lighting panels safely.
The F+V R300 SE Lumic Daylight LED Ring Light is an improved version of the popular R300 Lumic, providing a higher colour reproduction, higher brightness, and it can now also be mounted to a lens directly by screw-in adapter rings. In addition, its brightness...
The R300 SE can be whatever you need it to be: a ring light mounted around your lens, a soft off-camera light, or a small portable softbox or lantern. With its new, extended L-bracket (available separately) it can also be mounted to any DSLR, even with...
The R720 Lumic LED Ring Light by F+V is a large ring light suitable for both videographers and photographers. With a 290mm center opening, it is able to be used with any size lens, and there are mounting options for 15mm LWS and 19mm Studio camera rigs...
The R720 Lumic LED Ring Light by F+V is a large 3200K-5600K ring light suitable for both videographers and photographers. With a 290mm center opening, it is able to be used with any size lens, and there are mounting options for 15mm LWS and 19mm Studio...
This is the 3 meter F+V RD24F-4A to UK mains cable compatible with the Z1200VC CTD-Soft LED panel.
The F+V RS-1 Softbox 30x40 with Grid without Bracket is for use with the R-300 Lumic Ring Light. Lightweight, durable and easy to transport, the 30x40 softbox softens the light and increases the area of light source. It also features a removable honeycomb...
The F+V RTX-1 Wireless Router with Art-Net allows you to connect any of the supported wireless lights into an Art-Net network. Thanks to this, you can remotely control it with a mobile device along with a pro-grade lighting control app such as Luminair...
The F+V Side Handles have been designed for use with the Z1200VC CTD-Soft LED panel. They attach to the sides of the LED for easier handling and transport.