WAGO 2006 Series TOP JOBS Rail-mounted End and Intermediate Plates - WAGO 2006-992, Orange 2mm end plate from WAGO suitable for use with fuse terminal blocks from the 2006 series. WAGO 2006-992 2mm End Plate for Fuse Terminal Blocks for 2006 Series Orange
WAGO 30A Insulated Adjacent Jumper for Switch Lever for 2006 Series - WAGO 2007-8444, WAGO 2007-8444 4-way 30A insulated adjacent jumper for switch lever for 2006 series, colour - orange. For wire sizes. Pack size 1. WAGO 2007-8444 4-way 30A Insul. Adjacent...
WAGO 30A Insulated Adjacent Jumper for Switch Lever for 2006 Series - WAGO 2007-8446, WAGO 2007-8446 6-way 30A insulated adjacent jumper for switch lever for 2006 series, colour - orange. For wire sizes. Pack size 1. WAGO 2007-8446 6-way 30A Insul. Adjacent...
WAGO 2006 Series Accessories - WAGO 2007-8894, WAGO 2007-8894 2mm end and separator plate for 2006 series disconnect terminal blocks. WAGO 2007-8894 2mm End & Separator Plate for 2006 Series Dis. T-blocks Orange
WAGO 2006 Series Accessories - WAGO 2007-8899, WAGO 2007-8899 2mm lockout for 2006 series. WAGO 2007-8899 2mm Lockout for 2006 Series Yellow
WAGO 2009 Series TOP JOBS Rail-mounted Accessories - WAGO 2009-174, Adaptor from the WAGO 2009 series for 4mm Ø test plugs and for testing TOBJOB®S rail-mounted terminal blocks. WAGO 2009-174 Test Plug Adaptor for 4mm Test Plug Terminal Block Grey
WAGO 2009 Series TOP JOBS Rail-mounted Accessories - WAGO 2009-182, Testing tap from the WAGO 2000 series for tool-free connection of individual test leads between 0.08 and 2.5mm². WAGO 2009-182 Up to 2.5mm Testing Tap for 2000 Series Grey