Cast iron drawer or cabinet handle with upside down heart pull. Unsurpassable British quality.
A high quality, cast iron drawer handle. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A pair of high quality, cast iron lever door handles. These sprung handles are available with either lock, latch, 47.5mm euro profile and bathroom mechanism. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A pair of high quality, cast iron lever door handles. Available with either lock, latch or 92mm euro profile mechansim. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A pair of high quality unsprung cast iron lever door handles. Available with either lock, latch or 92mm euro profile mechansim. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A high quality, cast iron thumb latch set. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A pair of high quality, cast iron door hinges. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A high quality, cast iron door knocker. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.
A high quality, solid cast iron bolt. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands. Available in four different sizes.
A high quality, cast iron casement fastener. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.