Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Adjustable Voltage Regulators 3 Terminal - Texas Instruments LM338T, Adjustable 3-terminal voltage regulator from the LM138 series, capable of supplying in excess of 5A. Typical applications includes adjustable power supplies, constant current regulators...
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Comparators - Texas Instruments LM348N, General purpose operational quad amplifier. Texas Instruments LM348N Quad 741 OP Amplifier
Operational Amplifiers - Texas Instruments LM358AP, This is the Texas Instruments LM358AP dual low power op amp. It is part of the LM158 series. Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks. Texas Instruments LM358AP Low Power Dual...
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.