Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Comparators - Texas Instruments LM311N/NOPB, This voltage comparator with strobe has low input current and is designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages from standard ±15V operational amplifier supplies down to the single +5V supply used...
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Operational Amplifiers - Texas Instruments LM318P, This is the Texas Instruments LM318P single high speed op amp. It is a precision, high speed, high slew rate op amp and features a factor of 10 speed increase over general purpose op amps without losing...
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Operational Amplifiers - Texas Instruments LM324N, This is the Texas Instruments LM324N quad general purpose op amp. Texas Instruments LM324N Linear IC Quad Op Amp DIP14