The Faux Bouquet - In-Lit Pink Blossom is perfect for adding a visual impact with its beautiful lit bouquet adding an instant burst of style and a warm glow to homes or conservatories. Maintenance-free the Faux Bouquet keeps looking fresh year after year...
the Faux Bouquet - In-Lit Spring Blossom creates a high visual impact with its beautiful in-lit light. The Faux Bouquet creates an instant burst of style and a warm glow to your home. With no maintenance required, you can keep it fresh year after year. ...
The Daisy Whirl is maintnenace free home decor perfect for making trellises, sheds and doors look stylish adding a modern design to your outdoor space. Made with UV resistant materials the Whirl is perfect for outdoors capable of withstanding any weather...
The Eucalyptus Garland Violet is the perfect maintenance free home decor capable of brighten up balconies, fences and trellises making them look stylish and modern. Suitable for both outoodrs and indoors the Eucalyptus is made of UV materials making it...
The Eucalyptus Whirl is maintenance free home decor making any outdoor space epseically doors, sheds and trellises look stylish and modern. Designed with uv materials the Whirl is perfect for outdoors and is capable of withstanding all weathers. Features:...
The Lavender Garland is maintenance free makingit perfect for using as a decor to brighten up balconies, fences and trellises making any gloomy area look stylish and modern. Designed with UV materials the Lavender Garland is capable of withstanding harsh...
The Lavender Whirl is a perfect colourful addition to add to your garden collection. Capable of making doors walls, sheds and treillises look stylish. Maintenance free the Whirl is perfect for outdoors and is weather resistant. Features: Maintenance...
The Olive Tree creates an immediate visual impact with its stunning low maintenance-free design making it perfect for patios, balconies and gardens guaranteed to add an instant burst of colour to any gloomy area. Designed with UV resistant materials the...
The Pink Perfection is maintenance-free and is weather and UV resistant making it perfect for outdoors and indoors. Complete with a removable hanging chain you can place it anywhere creating style to any garden area. Features: Maintenance-free hanging...
Regal Basket - Begonia Blooms Features and Benefits Maintenance free hanging basket Realistic zero maintenance artificial hanging basket Weather and UV resistant Complete with removable hanging chain Specifications Dimensions: H:31.0 x W:48.0 x D:48.0...