This text is machine translated.SMA plug connectors are used mainly for applications in the frequency ranges 1 GHz to 18/26.5 GHz (depending upon the design). SMA stands for Sub-Miniature-A. The plug connectors are considered as male and the socket as...
In reverse, the reverse connector type specified.
In reverse, the reverse connector type specified.
In reverse, the reverse connector type specified.
This text is machine translated.Reverse-TNC- plug connectors are a special form of the TNC plug connectors. Externally both plug connectors are the same with only the internal parts transposed; the reverse connectors have a socket-shaped and the reverse...
TNC reverse polarity plug - N socket
In reverse, the reverse connector type specified.
The plug socket - name, according to the shape of the inner conductor defined.
The plug socket - name, according to the shape of the inner conductor defined.