Transistor Arrays - ST ULN2003A, A high current Darlington array containing seven open collector Darlington pairs with common emitters. Suppression diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite the outputs to simplify...
Transistor Arrays - ST ULN2004A, A high current Darlington array containing seven open collector Darlington pairs with common emitters. Suppression diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite the outputs to simplify...
Transistor Arrays - ST ULN2803A, A high current Darlington array containing eight open collector Darlington pairs with common emitters. Suppression diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite the outputs to simplify...
Transistor Arrays - ST ULN2804A, A high current Darlington array containing eight open collector Darlington pairs with common emitters. Suppression diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite the outputs to simplify...
Audio Power ICs - ST TDA2822L-D08-T, The UTC TDA2822 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 8-Pin plastic dual in line package. It is designed for portable media players and radios. TDA2822L-D08-T 1W+1W Stereo Audio Amplifier
Audio Power ICs - ST TEA2025B, The TEA2025B/D is a monolithic integrated circuit in a DIL-16 package that is intended for use as dual or bridge power audio amplifier for portable audio equipment and other AV equipment. TEA2025B 4.7W Stereo Audio Amp
Darlington PNP Transistors - ST TIP147, The TIP147 is a complementary power PNP Darlington transistor with a monolithic configuration and an integrated antoparallel collector-emitter diode. Features exceptional high gain performance coupled with very...